Sunday, April 29, 2012

In my Perfect World!

Life is too short but I can already see my perfect world shinin in the future!
When Fashion is your passion, obsession and the love of your life I know you'll have my vision of a perfect world.
In my perfect world I will wear nothing but designer's clothes and accessiories
I would wear louboutin heels
I would wear Yves Lauren bag
I wouldnt choose any clutch but Louis Vuitton

I would have Tory Burch flats
I would get Victoria's Secret bikini
I wouldnt wear any watches but Micheal Kors'
I'd have all Chanel's manicure
and wear no makeup but Dior's
and finally Yves Lauren accessories

In my Perfect World I'd sink in High end Fashion.
What would happen in your Perfect world?!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fashionista on a Mission!

Today was an amazin day!Yup I went shopping which is my biggest and favourite hobby like ever!
n whats special about this day is that I went shopping with my favourite people: my mom n my sisters.
We went to one of the biggest malls where I live, n I went stright toward Mango.Dont let me start with mango, the new collection is amazing!the neon colors and all these cute tops that I just couldnt resist.
Afterwars I went to my favourite place Zara, I always find the latest trends at Zara. I saw this cute leopard print and I just put it on, to find out that it fits me perfectly.And last but not least I went to H&M  where I found this adorable bikini!
 I also dont think anyone can go to H&M and dont buy some accessories, but today I got some cute hair accessories.
And you ask how I finished this awesome day?by making it better!
I went with all my family for dinner.Today was an amazing day hope you all enjoy the  rest of your weekend.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Perfect Fashionista

Ever wondered how to be perfect? Don't you wish there was a guide that could tell you how to be the best that you could possibly be? Your wish has been granted. Just a note though, you are perfect just being yourself.
1.For longer and thicker lashes, use lashes curler and 2 coats of mascara.
2.Keep a good posture, lay your shoulders back and your breast and head up.
3.Make sure your hands are clean before applying makeup.
4.Apply eyeshadow before eyeliner or your eyeliner would be covered with eyeshadow.
5.Use heat protecter on your hair before blow drying it, or applying heat on it.
6.Make sure you keep a good hygene, there's nothing worse than a smelly fashionista.
7.Drink alot of water during the day, it helps your face and hair to glow.
8.Coffee, soft drinks, and tea leave stains on teeth, drink it through a straw or drink water afterward and make sure it passes through all your teeth.
9.Dont leave your makeup on, when you go to sleep.Your skin needs to breath.
10.Check list on the go: Clothes perfectly combined, hair done, accessories, perfume and polished nails.
11.Wherever you go keep a tampon in your bag, just for emergencies.
12.Keep a smile on your face, there's nothing prettier than a girl with a smile.
13.Stay patience and think before you speak, you never know who's listening.
14.Remember simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
15.Chew like you have a secret.

The Girl Behind Fashionista

Hello everyone!how are you doin?!I'm Aya or as some people call me fashionista :P
I thought of makin a personal blog to let people know more about me since I never post a picture or join a contest on fashionista
I'm 20 years old now and Fashion was n still the biggest part of my life!creating fashionista took me a whole another world of friends oppprtunities and more.
I've started the page as a hobby but I always wanted to make a business of my passion, but I didnt study Fashion.I'm studyin business and commerce because I like it but I also wanted to become closer to dad, but I realized that not anythin would get you closer to your parents but LOVE.
I never and will never give up on fashion and havin a future in fashion!I'm very ambitious but not dreamy,I promise to do my best to get there.
I started Fashionista with amazing support from my family and friends,yet I got bullied!some people were mean and some "friends" just left, because I'm havin a hobby that I wanna make a future of.
But I think Im at an age where I can accept people to leave and knowing that they werent there in the first place.
Fashionista took alot of time and effort for me but it payed me 3 months I got on a magazine in dubai and 1000+ fans.Now we're 4 months and we have reached 3000 fans.I did everything I can to achieve all of these, I got banned n spammed from so many pages because I tried to promote my page.Thats one of the reasons I refuse to accept admins, because its so unfair after all this effort for someone else to take the credit.
I just wanted to say that I'm really happy that I have fashionista and all my fashionista family
every compliment or advice request makes my day,I hope I didnt waste your time with this blog but I really wanted to make some points clear.If you liked this blog please comment below or inform me on fashionista soI would make more, good night fashionistas.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Create a Celebrity Worthy Dress Code

  • 1Look at your wardrobe. See what one item you wear a lot, or seem to wear repeatedly every week, such as Skirts or Flirty Tops. Take this item and assign it for Monday, with cute high-heel shoes. For your hair, think of how you usually wear it, and wear it with Monday's outfit.
    2Next, pick a sporty item, like Jeans or Track/Sweat Pants. Assign that item for Tuesday, with cute sneakers like Converse. (No Nikes or Adidas- make that a rule!) Also, wear ponytails today or your hair down.
    3Think of your favorite color. Make the assignment for Wednesday an item in your favorite color (Purple Tops, Red Belts, etc.). The hairstyle should be down.
    4Have Thursday be the day to wear Neutral Colors like khaki, brown, earthy green and navy. Wear your ponytail half-up today.
    5Wear Jeans and Tanks and colored shoes on Friday. Wear a messy bun or down on Fridays.
    6Choose casual and dressy items for Weekends, like a baggy T-shirt and jeans with an expensive designer bag.
     7Type or write your rules in a cute font/font color and keep it secret from everyone except your two best friends

Friday, April 6, 2012

Questions and answers

As you all know Fashionista was made to inspire girls and help them out so I started a question day
which you just post your question and I answer it later at night so lets get started:

Wedad Walid Yaaaay!
How do u prevent the shine from
Showing on ur face? .. It shows sometimes u know =S
Fashionista: Wedad do you have an oily skin that's causin your face to shine?
Maybe you should use makeup for oily skin it really helps♥
Sareen KhanAmirian dislike :( I love dark nail colors :/ what's the best solution? not wear any polish for the period or just stick to lighter shades?

Preventing Yellow Nails

  1. 1
    Wash your hands. Wash them regularly with soap and water to achieve the look of perfectly polished nails. Always remember to wash your hands for at least 30 seconds and then dry them carefully.

  2. 2
    File your nails regularly. Always keep a filer close by. If you are starting to realize one of your nails are chipping or you have a hang nail, just file it away. Filing leaves your nails smooth with a nice soft tip.
  3. 3
    Paint your nails regularly. Painting your nails will help you so you do not keep biting your nails causing them to grow very short and chip off easily.

Treating Yellow Nails

  1. 1
    Dab your nails with nail polish remover. This should take some of the yellowness away. To apply, use cotton balls or make up pads; either will work fine. Not all the yellow will come off, but some of it will.
  2. 2
    Wash your hands. Use soap, water, and a washcloth. Wash your hands with soap and water, put soap on the washcloth, open and close the washcloth until the soap is pressed into the cloth. Then, rub your nails with the washcloth. You will notice some yellow coming off your finger nails.

    Tia: How Can I remove the Black eye Circle ?



Make Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1
    Bloodshot Eye
    Get your beauty sleep. Get plenty of sleep nightly. It’s not entirely clear why inadequate sleep results in dark circles under the eyes, but lack of sleep tends to cause the skin to become paler (thus increasing the appearance of darkness under the eyes), and reduces circulation.[2] It’s also believed that too little time lying down is a cause in itself.
  • Determine how much sleep you need (it’s usually 7-9 hours per night, but varies for different people at different times throughout their lives). Try to get that amount regularly for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.
  • Alcohol and drugs can adversely affect the quality of your sleep. Abstain from these products or use them only in moderation for best results.
  • Get adequate vitamins that assist sleep. A lack of sleep, coupled with poor vitamin absorption tends to reduce adrenal function. The less adrenal function you have, the less B6 you tend to absorb. The less B6 you absorb, the less your adrenal glands function and you end up in a vicious circle. Sleep, regular vitamins (where needed), good calcium/magnesium support in the form of eating a lot of greens (which are higher in calcium and magnesium than dairy products are) and a good mineral supplement restores adrenal function.
  • Reduce your stress to help you to sleep more.
  • 2
    Eat well.
    Eat well. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink plenty of water. A whole host of cosmetic problems can be attributed to vitamin deficiencies. Dark circles and puffiness are often attributed to lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidants. Also, a deficiency in B12 (usually anemia-related) can result in dark circles.
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially cabbage, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables. Take a daily vitamin supplement if necessary. Get adequate fluids to improve circulation.
    • Reduce salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can result in puffiness under the eyes. Too much salt can also impair your circulation and cause the blood vessels under the skin to appear bluer.
  • 3
    Smoking doesn't do your eyes any favors
    Examine your smoking habit and decide to quit. Smoking causes vascular (blood vessel) problems that can not only threaten your life, but also make your blood vessels appear more prominent and bluer.
  • 4
    Relax more.
    Relax more. Relaxing might help remove sources of stress and anxiety that are preventing you from sleeping, eating and resting properly. In turn, relaxing enough will help your eye skin to improve as you feel less stressed and more at ease. Skin tends to reflect a whole host of emotional and physical ailments, so don't dismiss the need to relax lightly.

  • Natural Remedies

    1. 1
      Cucumber Therapy
      Slice cucumbers into thick slices. Cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes, providing a fast "pick-me-up" for tired and puffy eyes. Place a slice over each eye, extending over the darkened area. Do this daily, coupled with lying down for 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed.
    2. 2
      Apply cool tea bags or an ice cube wrapped in soft cloth to your eyes daily. The tannin in tea bags reduces swelling and discoloration. Lie down, preferably in the morning, and leave the cool and damp caffeinated tea bags over your eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed. You can refrigerate them overnight so they will be ready in the morning.
    3. 3
      Make a saline solution.
      Make a saline solution. Add 2 cups water with a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt[3] and/or a half tea-spoon of baking soda in one of your nostrils. Have your head tilted to the side so that the water comes out the other nostril. It's best used when you're experiencing nasal congestion.
    4. 4
      Use a potato. Place one uncooked potato into a liquidizer and liquidize the whole potato. Scoop out and place the pureed potato on your closed eyes .Keep it there for 30 minutes, lying on your back. Wash it off with warm water. This method works well for some people.
    5. 5
      Pop it in the fridge and you'll be ready to go!
      Use a frozen spoon. Put a spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Take it out and cover the circles with it. Hold it there until the spoon is warm again.
    6. 6
      Assess the cause of your black circles.
      Assess the cause of your black circles. If you have an underlying health condition, this may be a large part of the black circles under your eyes. If the problem has been ongoing, consider seeing a doctor to discuss the possible causes before attempting to remedy the problem. Some things that might be causing your under-eye discoloration include:
      • Allergies. Allergies are a common cause of skin discoloration under the eyes.[4] If an allergy is the root of your problem, treat the allergy or remove the allergen Seasonal allergy problems such as the hay fever can frequently be effectively treated with over-the-counter and prescription medications.
      • For other allergies, the best course of action is usually avoidance. If your dark circles or puffiness are constant, you may have an undetected food allergy or an allergy to a chemical in your home or workplace. Talk to a dermatologist for help determining what you may be allergic to. People with allergies also tend again to be deficient in B6, folic acid and B12 on occasion. Taking a multivitamin may also help
      • Gluten intolerance. Another common allergy that causes dark circles is gluten intolerance, which is an allergy to wheat flour in particular. More severely, you could have celiac disease. To test for celiac disease, have blood tests performed by your doctor. It's important to remember that you can be gluten intolerant, and not have celiac disease.
      • Nasal congestion. A blocked nose can result in dark circles under your eyes because the veins that drain from your eyes to your nose are darkened and dilated.[5]
      • Pigmentation irregularities. These can cause darker circles under the eyes.
      • Sun exposure. This can increase melanin production.[6]
      • Thinning from age. Aging thins the skin, making veins and vessels more obvious as your fat and collagen depletes over time.[7]
      • Heredity. Establish whether or not this condition runs in your family, as under-eye dark circles are believed to frequently be hereditary.[8] This doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about the conditions, but you should be prepared for minimal success when trying to get rid of them.
      • Your facial features. Dark circles may be as simple as shadows being thrown by your own features.[9] There isn't much you can do change this other than careful use of cosmetics.

    Cosmetic Solutions

    1. 1
      Apply an eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol.
      Apply an eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol. Dark circles may be caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. Regardless of the cause, however, skin creams containing these two ingredients reduce puffiness and discoloration significantly in many people. Long-term daily use seems to have the greatest effect.
    2. Use an under-eye cream. Use a concealer that will camouflage the dark under-eye circles. It's important to use a concealer that matches your undertone (namely, yellow and peach (for bluish circles). After applying the concealer, set it with a light dusting of translucent powder.

      Have a skin patch test. Before using cosmetics, try a skin patch test first. Cease using anything that irritates your skin, causes rashes, or makes your eyes sore or watery.

    I believe thats the answers for all your questions but if I forgot one please let me know and I'll answer it.

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    10 Tips For Being Fashionable on a Budget

    Everyone wants to look good but these days we are all on a budget so here are my tips on how to be fashionable on a budget.
    1. Have good quality basics that will last season to season and act as a base layer to the latest trends.
    2. Make sure the clothes you buy fit you well and flatter you, a trend is useless to you if it doesn’t look good on you.
    3. Have a pair of jeans that looks great on you, jeans are always in style.
    4. Think jewelry it is an inexpensive way to update a look.
    5. Buy trendy shoes for the summer. Sandals often wear out after one season so go for a trendy pair and wear them a lot. No one thinks twice about wearing the same shoes day in and day out but they will look at you odd if you wear the same outfit every other day.
    6. Accessorize. Find some stylish and current accessories to change up your basics and create new outfits.
    7. Take a trend and minimize it for example the ruffle trend if you buy something with ruffles don’t over do it that way ti won’t look last season next summer.
    8. Remember colors are trends too so pick some that flatter you and you can buy inexpensive items in those colors and still be on trend.
    9. Layers are a good thing. If you dress in layers you can then mix and match those layers for new looks.
    10. Make sure everything you buy can be worn with at least 3 ways with items you have at home to maximize their use.